Pleasure from Dai...
is a blg web site that have DIY videos Hook stitches have an infinite number of variations and adaptations in your creations. That is why a single content is not enough to mention them, however, what if we want to do is teach you some of the most innovative, useful and practical for endless projects.
THE MOST BASIC The most basic stitches are surprisingly the ones that we can best adapt to different projects. This is the case of these low points, highly recommended in fabrics for easy blankets. This simple stitch to make has a very simple way of embellishing itself with woven shell edges, as you can see in this blanket made up of several lozenges in low crochets.
Double crochet stitches also rank among the easiest stitches for crocheting. These have many variations, as you see in the 4-pointed openwork flower pattern. This is one of the hook stitches for vests, blankets, blouses and other creations.
MORE STRUCUTURED WITH RELIEF Combination stitches woven pads are ideal for knitting blankets, bedspreads and many garments. The pickup you see in the photo is made with slipped stitches, double crochet and half double crochet, which give the sensation of increasing. In our blog you can see some ideas to knit pills in a simple way.
And the crocodile or scales point is one of the most original that we want to show you this time. This one has been properly adapted to booties, slippers, costumes, and a ton of projects to dress up and decorate.
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