Pleasure from Dai...
Round 1... ch 3 (counts as first dc), 11 dc in ring, sl sto to third ch of first dc. (12 dc) Round 2... beg puff stitch in same st, ch 2, [puff stitch, ch 2] around, sl st to top of beg puff stitch. (12 puff stitches, 12 ch-2 spaces) Round 3... ch 1, sc in same st, [dc, ch 3, dc] in next space, ♦️ sc in next puff stitch, [dc, ch 3, dc] in next space, repeat from ♦️ around, sl st in first sc. (12 sc, 24 dc, 12 ch-3 spaces) Round 4... beg puff stitch in same st, ch 3, sc in next space, ch 3, [puff stitch in next sc, ch 3, sc in next space, ch 3] around, sl st to top of beg puff stitch. (12 puff stitches, 24 ch-3 spaces, 12 sc) Round 5... ch 1, sc in same st, sc in next space, ch 5, sc in next space, [sc in next puff stitch, sc in next space, ch 5, sc in next space] around, sl st to first sc. (36 sc, 12 ch-5 spaces) Round 6... ch 6 (counts as first dc and ch-3 space), dc in same st, [sc, picot. sc] in next space, ♦️ sk next sc, [dc, ch 3, dc] in next sc, [sc, picot, sc] in next space, repeat from ♦️ around, sl st to third ch of first dc. (24 dc, 12 ch-3 spaces, 24 sc, 12 picots) Round 7... sl sto to center ch of next space, ch 1, sc in same st, ch 9, [sc in next space, ch 9] around, sl st to first sc. (12 sc, 12 ch-9 spaces) Round 8... sl st in next 4 ch of next space, ch 1, sc in same st, [sc, ch 2, sc] in next ch, sc in next ch, ch 7, ♦️ sk next 3 ch of next space, sc in next ch, [sc, ch 2, sc] in next ch, sc in next ch, ch 7, repeat from ♦️ around, sl st to first sc. (48 sc, 12 ch-2 spaces, 12 ch-7 spaces) Round 9... sl st in next sc and in next space, ch 1, sc in same space, ch 5, sk next 3 ch of next ch-7 space, [sc, ch 3, sc] in next ch, ch 5, ♦️ sc in next ch-2 space, ch 5, sk next 3 ch of next ch-7 space, [sc, ch 3, sc] in next ch, ch 5, repeat from ♦️ around, sl st to first sc. (24 ch-5 spaces, 36 sc, 12 ch-3 spaces) Round 10... sl st to center ch of next space, ch 1, sc in same space, 7 dc in next ch-3 space, sc in next ch-5 space, [ch 5, sc in next ch-5 space, 7 dc in next ch-3 space, sc in next ch-5 space] around, ch 2, dc in first sc to make last ch-5 space. (24 sc, 84 dc, 12 ch-5 spaces) Round 11... ch 1, sc in same space, dc in next dc, [ch 2, dc in next dc] 6 times, ♦️ sc in next space dc in next dc, [ch 2, dc in next dc] 6 times, repeat from ♦️ around, sl st to first sc. (12 sc, 84 dc, 72 ch-2 spaces) Round 12... sl st in next dc, ch 1, sc in same st, [ch 3, sc in next dc] 6 times, ♦️ sc in next dc, [ch 3, sc in next dc] 6 times, repeat from ♦️ around, sl st to first sc. (84 sc, 72 ch-3 spaces) Round 13... sl st to center ch of next space, ch 1, sc in same space, [ch 3, sc in next space] 5 times, ♦️ sc in next space, [ch 3, sc in next space] 5 times, repeat from ♦️ around, sl st to first sc. (72 sc, 60 ch-3 spaces) Round 14... ch 3 (counts as first dc), sc in next space, [ch 3, sc in next space] 4 times, dc in next sc, ♦️ ch 3, dc in next sc, sc in next space, [ch 3, sc in next space] 4 times, dc in next sc, repeat from ♦️ around, ch 1, hdc in third ch of first dc. (24 dc, 60 sc, 60 ch-3 spaces) Round 15... ch 1, sc in same space, ch 3, dc in next dc (same st as hdc of round 14), sc in next space, [ch 3, sc in next space] 3 times, dc in next dc, ch 3, ♦️ sc in next space, ch 3, dc in next dc, sc in next space, [ch 3, sc in next space] 3 times, dc in next dc, ch 3, repeat from ♦️ around, sl st to first sc. (60 sc, 60 ch-3 spaces, 24 dc) Round 16... ch 6 (counts as first dc and ch-3 space), dc in same st, ch 3, dc in next dc, sc in next space, [ch 3, sc in next space] twice, dc in next dc, ch 3, ♦️ [dc, ch 3, dc] in next sc, ch 3, dc in next dc, sc in next space, [ch 3, sc in next space] twice, dc in next dc, ch 3, repeat from ♦️ around, sl st to third ch of first dc. (48 dc, 60 ch-3 spaces, 36 sc) Round 17... sl st in next space, ch 4 (counts as first tr), 8 tr in same space, ch 3, dc in next dc, sc in next space, ch 3, sc in next space, dc in next dc, ch 3, ♦️ sk next space, 9 tr in next space, ch 3, dc in next dc, sc in next space, ch 3, sc in next space, dc in next dc, ch 3, repeat from ♦️ around, sl st to fourth ch of first tr. (108 tr, 24 dc, 36 ch-3 spaces, 24 sc) Round 4 (counts as first dc and ch-1 space), dc in next tr, [ch 1, dc in next tr] 7 times, ch 3, dc in next dc, sc in next space, dc in next dc, ch 3, ♦️ dc in next tr, [ch 1, dc in next tr] 8 times, ch 3, dc in next dc, sc in next space, dc in next dc, ch 3, repeat from ♦️ around, sl st to third ch of first dc. (132 dc, 96 ch-1 spaces, 24 ch-3 spaces, 12 sc) Round 19... ch 5 (counts as first dc and ch-2 space), dc in next dc, [ch 2, dc in next dc] 7 times, ch 3, decrease, ch 3, ♦️ dc in next dc, [ch 2, dc in next dc] 8 times, ch 3, decrease, ch 3, repeat from ♦️ around, sl st to third ch of first dc. (108 dc, 96 ch-2 spaces, 24 ch-3 spaces, 12 decreases) Round 20... ch 7 (counts as first tr and ch-3 space), tr in next dc, [ch 3, tr in next dc] 7 times, ♦️ sk next decrease, tr in next dc, [ch 3, tr in next dc] 8 times, repeat from ♦️ around, sl st to fourth ch of first tr. (108 tr, 96 ch-3 spaces Round 21... ch 1, sc in same st, ch 3, sc in next tr, cluster, [dc in next tr, cluster] twice, [dc, cluster, picot, cluster, dc] in next tr, cluster, [dc in next tr, cluster] twice, sc in next tr, ch 3, sc in next tr, ♦️ sc in next tr, ch 3, sc in next tr, cluster, [dc in next tr, cluster] twice, [dc, cluster, picot, cluster, dc] in next tr, cluster, [dc in next tr, cluster] twice, sc in next tr, ch 3, sc in next tr, repeat from ♦️ around, sl st to first sc, fasten off and weave in ends. (48 sc, 24 ch-3 spaces, 96 clusters, 72 dc, 12 picots)
How to: Make a slip knot on hook. Chain one, remove hook from the yarn, pull yarn through the bead, chain one to secure. Chain one again, then chain five, pull your yarn into the first chain stitch to form half ring Chain five on the other side of the bead and make a slip stitch through the first chain stitch to make the ring. Chain one, and start your 2nd round with any petal design you like To start the second flower, chain one and pull your loop up. Remove your hook and pop on your bead. Pull your loop through your bead and chain one to secure.
Materials: Yellow diva alize string, white alize diva string, dry pink diva alize diva, dehydrated pink diva diva, crochet number ip1. We will knit 7 chains with our yellow thread for the large Runner pattern. Let's make 1 handrail inside the chain and leave the last 2 knots of the handrail in our crochet. We will make 1 more handrail next to it. We will knit the last loops of 2 handrails together. We will knit 4 chains and make 2 handrails again. We will knit the last loops of the handrails and combine them. We will knit 4 chains together. We will do this 8 times. Let's move on to our dark pink rope. We will make 2 handrails, 3 chains, 2 handrails on 4 chains with our dry pink rope. We will make 4 handrails on 3 chains with our white thread on the top line. We will knit 2 chains and make 1 handrail. We will knit 2 chains and make 4 handrails in the other box. In this way, we will complete the 1st line. We will make 6 handrails on the 4 handrails of the second row with our white rope. We will knit 1 chain and make 6 handrails again. We will knit 4… ..6… .8… 10 handrails, increasing 2 handrails in each row with our white thread. We will make 7 handrails in the same place on the last line with our white rope. We will sink in the middle like a frequent needle. We will make 7 handrails in the same place again. We will complete the last row by making frequent needles with our dry rose thread. For the leaf pattern We will knit 7 chains with our dry pink yarn and join them. We will make 8 frequent needles in the chain. We will make 16 frequent needles, sinking the dense needles twice in the top row. We will knit 2 chains to place the triangle on the sheet. We will make 2 frequent needles in 2 chains. We will make 4 frequent needles in the upper thread. We will knit by folding the edges of the dense needles in each row and multiplying 2 frequent needles. We will knit as 2… ..4… ..6… .8… .10… .12… .14.
Materials: Baby white wool Crochet number 3 green, pink thread to decorate pearl number 3 Crochet preparation: Let's start 37 loops to the front of our vest and knit straight. We knit 30 rows in a straight line to the seat. Let's do 6 laps on the couch. We will knit 10 rows right after the seat. We are going to cut 5 loops in 3 stages on the collar. We will complete the shoulders with 16 loops. Let's start the back with 65 loops and knit in a straight line. Let's do 4 laps on the couch. For flowers Let's knit and combine 8 chains with our crochet. We will knit 3 chains into the chain and make 3 handrails, knit 3 chains again and sink. In this way, we will knit our flower on 5 wings. Let's embroider a pattern of branches and leaves with our green thread. Let's sew the flowers we made, plant pearls in the middle and decorate them. We will process the image from the pocket to the other front. We will tie our vest with our white thread
inspirational idea to decorate the dining table .... how about?
I think I love white thread more than other colors, I find myself making another than another,than another white doilies. I made this one with size 30 white, Altin Basak thread. It is about 11 inches each side I really liked them (I made 4 of them, 2 small squares and 2 runners)
Napkin corner lace recipe with white round crochet sample that we can wrap in kitchen napkins. In addition, Crochet Braids, Laces 46 models of Napkin Lace that will inspire you to start with the belly. If the motives are too big for you, use thinner lace strings. If the same size is right for you, you can use Maxi lace strings. For the magic ring, you can wrap your index finger with 26 pieces inside the created ring.
Lace is one of the handcrafted products that have been part of our lives since the past. Income is found in every corner of our lives, in every room in our home and in dowry cabinets.
Rust stone, decorated with petals of four bullets, in fine white cotton thread. To collect. Home decor. Gift idea. Accompanied by round center, crochet processing, same cotton yarn. Stone size approximately 5 x cm 6 (2 x 2.50 inches) The use of natural elements (rocks, fragments, natural thread) creates an original artistic ensemble resulting in a unique and unrepeatable whole. For an authentic gift with a value balanced between the useful, the useless and the essential to be donated on any occasion. Manufacturing, any imperfections are due to manual processing
Materials: Japanese size “lace 2” crochet hook (1.5mm) Suggested yarn: Pierrot Yarns Yawaraka Lace Thread #18 Yarn weight: Fingering / 4 ply (14 wpi) Hook size: 1.5 mm Yardage: 79 – 80 yards (72 – 73 m)