Pleasure from Dai...
hello everbody, In today's world there is a longing for the old, but when we combine the innovations that technology brings with our crafts, we have vintage embroidery work.
Now let's do a little research on how to embroider. We do not offer a master class on two different embroidery stitches in the form of embroidery and video printing.
Beginners to embroidery should first pay attention to the letters or patterns that represent small flowers and branches. Choose a workbook that explains satin stitch embroidery technique by opening a workbook or workplace organization, including a video, and try small figure embroidery first. Needle nastilaVdente double-sided surface thread, bent twice before that. Follow the first two points along the way. Then, sewing stitches parallel to each other, the embroidery gradually begins to fill the entire usable area. Use the "needle forward" method. At the end of the embroidery area, both sides need to be filled in front and back. Learn how to create beauty from the inside out soon. There should be no nodules completely.
The described technique is called: a smooth surface with upholstery was made. First you have to sew a very neat seam in small pieces. Thus, multi-colored embroidery, narrative painting embroidery, before going to practice or small floral motifs.